Hi! I'm a photographer based in Austin that's pretty new to the industry and art form. I love learning more about the process but it can sometimes be frustrating discovering the right sorts of information you need - stuff that can be easily taken for granted but not taught to somebody that hasn't been classically trained. Here I want to document my own journey as I learn more, and pass that knowledge on to you. This is a collaborative sport!

Hopefully this will be a compendium of not just photography in all its forms but also a sort of diary of the things I'm interested in. I have a terrible habit sometimes of picking things up and not sticking through, even though I do love them, so this blog will be way to motivate me to continue. I've started blogs before and dropped them, of course (oh, the irony) but this is something I'm pretty passionate about, and I'm determined to see this one through. It's nice to have a companion to life, even if it's recordings of your past thoughts.

That's the wonderful thing about forgetting, or being forgetful - reading back on your own writing is like a hello from a world that is both unfamiliar yet completely intimate. In writing, I hope to forget. Forget and learn.

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